CPI Beverly Microwave Division Awarded Production Contract for Fundamental Power Couplers for LCLS-II HE Program
PALO ALTO, Calif. – July 15, 2020 – The Beverly Microwave Division of Communications & Power Industries (CPI) has received a multi-million dollar, firm-fixed price contract from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility to provide the fundamental power couplers for the high-energy (HE) upgrade to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS-II) X-ray free electron laser at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). The upgrade is expected to provide a revolutionary increase in the power and capacity of SLAC’s X-ray laser, enabling it to deliver beams that are thousands of times brighter and faster, transforming the manner in which X-rays are used to study natural and artificial systems. CPI’s fundamental power couplers will provide the critical interface between the accelerator’s microwave power source operating at room temperature and the superconducting accelerator cavities, which operate at a temperature approaching absolute zero.
Headquartered in Beverly, Mass., CPI’s Beverly Microwave Division has provided power couplers for many of the world’s preeminent superconducting accelerators in the last 20 years, including the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) and the LCLS-II at SLAC.
“The LCLS-II HE upgrade is an important program that adds significant capability to the Department of Energy for experiments in the ‘hard’ X-ray field. The LCLS is one of just two lasers in operation that can produce hard, or very high-energy, X-rays, used to glimpse unprecedented details of the atomic world, and may help provide advances in technology, medicine and scientific research for years to come. CPI Beverly Microwave Division is excited to continue our support of the accelerator community and its vital research. CPI’s power couplers have proven to be reliable and instrumental for the operation of superconducting accelerators worldwide,” said Todd Treado, president of CPI’s Electron Device Business.
About Communications & Power Industries
Communications & Power Industries (CPI) is a global manufacturer of electronic components and subsystems focused primarily on communications and defense markets. With a heritage of technological excellence that spans decades, CPI develops, manufactures and globally distributes innovative and reliable technology solutions used in the generation, amplification, transmission and reception of microwave signals for commercial and military applications. CPI serves customers in the communications, defense, medical, industrial and scientific markets. CPI consists of Communications & Power Industries LLC, headquartered in Palo Alto, California, and Communications & Power Industries Canada Inc., located in Ontario, Canada. Learn more about CPI at www.cpii.com.
Amanda Mogin, Communications & Power Industries, corporate communications, 650.846.3998, [email protected]